10:09:33 From Bob Soldner : WI is loosey goosey 10:09:35 From vhortin : UT - Loosey GOosey - However, if they allow things to sluip to the central their public will beat them up. 10:09:36 From tyler.backus : Maine is pretty controlled, probably 2/3 are controlled, 1/3 are less controlled 10:09:49 From Tammy Lehmen Missouri : MO is pretty tight. 10:10:04 From Sara Shaw - IL : IL yes hybrid but further toward loosey goosey 10:10:05 From Amy.Rowell - GA : GA is middle of the road, but closer to right 10:10:18 From Donna Gunning - Maryland : MD is more controlled, but becuase the locals designed the protocol 10:10:19 From Tom (Iowa) : IA is middle 10:11:45 From tyler.backus : Maine controls it by function code 10:12:25 From Christopher May - Michigan : Michigan - Instruction and School Administration (principals), all object codes is minimum. Encouraging districts to report more at building level if able 10:12:32 From Tammy Lehmen Missouri : MO controls by function as well. 10:12:40 From RFO : MA collects instructional functions by school 10:12:41 From Kim Morrow, Wyoming Dept. of Ed. : Wyoming controls it by function codes too. Typically, Instruction and School Admin, etc. 10:12:45 From Patricia Lagarenne- New Jersey : NJ is requiring Instruction and Support costs to be submitted at the school level. (NJ function codes 100-223 and 240) 10:12:55 From Tom (Iowa) : Same as MI 10:13:17 From Tammy Lehmen Missouri : MO is insturctional and some support services and building admin. 10:13:34 From Sara Shaw - IL : IL example from a question about what to do with Title expenditures - "Your decision on whether to show other Title expenditures as site-level or district-level will hinge on how directly an allocation goes to a school. ISBE guidance indicates that districts should choose the allocation methodology that best reflects their service delivery mechanisms and allows them to make best use of the data." 10:16:03 From vhortin : UT - Central will be flat per pupil. 10:16:05 From awillard : In WV, anything that remains at the central office level will be allocated based solely on a per-pupil basis. 10:16:30 From Christopher May - Michigan : Michigan also using per-pupil (which is how IFR is set up, correct?) 10:16:34 From Tom (Iowa) : IA will be allocated on a per-pupil amount (using ADM) - this was per LEA suggestion 10:16:50 From Daniel Bush : WI per-pupil 10:16:51 From Tammy Lehmen Missouri : MO is going to allocate central by enrollment/ADA in the "building". But we are going to collect what the districts give us by building and in the future may allocate according to the specific data that the district give us. 10:16:59 From tyler.backus : ME will use a flat per pupil 10:17:11 From Patricia Lagarenne- New Jersey : NJ is using a per pupil allocation. 10:17:19 From Donna Gunning - Maryland : MD is allocating what is not directly attrributed to school sites, based on different denominators (staff, sq ft, enroll, SPED enroll, etc.). 10:17:19 From Kim Morrow, Wyoming Dept. of Ed. : WY is flat per pupil. If districts want an expenditure allocated in a different manner, they should do the allocation before they send it to us. 10:18:16 From Patricia Lagarenne- New Jersey : Yes, thank 10:19:45 From Donna Gunning - Maryland : MD has not drafted specifics on this topic. It does not (yet) appear to be a big issue. 10:19:50 From Daniel Bush : WI N 10:21:08 From Tom (Iowa) : Wasn't IA... 10:21:27 From Daniel Bush : But WI ESAs are all contracted fee for service 10:21:45 From awillard : WV hasn't drafted specifics either. Our general guidance to districts is that the expenses shoudl follow the students, so the districts would record those expenses to a location or central office level as they pay their invoices to the RESAs/ESCs. 10:24:32 From Daniel Bush : WI accountability doesn't transfer enrollment/FAPE to those types of schools, stays at home school...seems like where FAPE lives should inform 10:24:33 From Tom (Iowa) : Which entity is responsible for the assessment data? 10:25:46 From Sara Shaw - IL : For specific sped outplacement question, home LEA reports the tuition and transportation cost for the students. Up to the LEA whether to put those expenditures in the home school, as centralized costs, or in a separate "metaphysical" site that only exists as an outplacement reporting site 10:26:58 From Tammy Lehmen Missouri : Whoever reports the student enrollment the cost will go to them. We will exclude and include tuition cost or recived as appropirate. 10:28:34 From Christopher May - Michigan : Are any other states like Michigan where the RESAs receive the money for things like SE and CTE directly from the State? So LEAs have no expenditures to RESAs related to these services 10:29:26 From Tom (Iowa) : IA is a mix - direct from the state and required "flowthrough" from LEAs 10:30:12 From Daniel Bush : IIRC MN has a number of "intermediate districts" with blended funding for special ed, not statewide 10:32:18 From Daniel Bush : WI B 10:32:44 From tyler.backus : ME should be in B 10:32:53 From Patricia Lagarenne- New Jersey : NJ- B 10:33:10 From Samantha Gallagher : CO is B 10:33:22 From Tom (Iowa) : For IA, the LEA uploads the file - B rather than C 10:33:27 From Tammy Lehmen Missouri : MO the districts finacial system makes a file and they upload into a program we have. It has to be the specific formate required. so B. 10:33:29 From vhortin : Ut - Collect via C 10:33:30 From Christopher May - Michigan : MI should be either B or C, we have a centralized system that processes files submitted by districts (that use many different accounting systems to prepare those) 10:33:40 From Amy Pattison : IN is B 10:33:57 From Kim Morrow, Wyoming Dept. of Ed. : Wyoming receives financial data once per year at end of year. For ESSA, we will use this data. (B) 10:34:10 From awillard : WV is mostly B. We have a statewide data system, but the LEAs send us a monthly data file once they have closed the month. 10:34:12 From Donna Gunning - Maryland : Maryland is actually in C for this question. Our annual data collection does not inlcude site level data. 10:34:48 From Daniel Bush : WI system is supplemental for ESSA SLR, regular reporting doesn't collect at school level 10:35:03 From Tammy Lehmen Missouri : Mo has a whole online system. They upload the file with appropriate function and object codes and the other information and it's just displayed in a more understandable formate and has hundreds of edits to make sure the data is accurate etc. 10:36:50 From Sara Shaw - IL : At some point (here or more likely later), would be curious about what kind of validity checks other states are using (especially states that are on the loosey-goosey side of the spectrum) 10:39:01 From Daniel Bush : Internal consistency of data submission, total expenditures SLR vs. existing non-school level fiscal report 10:39:25 From Kim Morrow, Wyoming Dept. of Ed. : We balance to a state report by district that is published on our website. (taking in to account included expenditures and excluded expenditures, etc.) 10:39:30 From Christopher May - Michigan : one check we’re looking into is making sure any building with student enrollment reported also has at least some building-level expenditures as well. 10:39:54 From Daniel Bush : Not vs prior year, vs the main report for same year 10:40:17 From awillard : one validity check we just did was identify school locations with expenses but no enrollment reported. we sent those to the districts for investigation - did they miscode some expenditures to a wrong code? did the school close and these were closeout invoices? 10:40:19 From Donna Gunning - Maryland : MD checks the expenditure file aganst the annual financial report. 10:40:21 From Daniel Bush : Also we are not collecting per-pupil #s from LEAs, we're getting totals & enrollments then doing the division ourselves 10:40:28 From Tammy Lehmen Missouri : MO is still thinking through all the possible ideas, right now is that verifying the buildings do have instructional cost, suport service cost, and building administration. But after we collect this once I'm sure we will have more checks we put into place. 10:40:29 From Patricia Lagarenne- New Jersey : NJ districts have certified audits performed by CPA's who submit the LEA level data to the DOE. We will ensure that the school level expenditures sum to the amount submitted by the CPA per line item. 10:40:40 From Daniel Bush : Current/prior year validation built into existing reporting system 10:40:55 From Donna Gunning - Maryland : MD is also using state level enrollment data and calcualting the per pupil. 10:41:13 From tyler.backus : Each year LEAs are required to report their buildings, and as part of that they report their cost center. We then check that information during the budget process so that they align at the ned of the year. 10:48:58 From Patricia Lagarenne- New Jersey : I beleive the FitWig is helpful, especially since the data for 2017-18 is a test year. We will all have first year issues which will bring more meaningful conversations once real data is available. 10:49:20 From Tom (Iowa) : I think there will continue to be questions as things get implemented. 10:49:21 From Donna Gunning - Maryland : Yes 10:49:22 From tyler.backus : I would like to continue, epsecially into the first year after creating the report 10:49:31 From Bill Biven, Jr. - Nebraska Dept. Of Ed. : NE - Yes please 10:49:47 From Bob Soldner : How LEAs can best use school level data to make student decisions. 10:49:52 From Kim Morrow, Wyoming Dept. of Ed. : Wyoming - I think it will be very helpful to continue, after the roll-out. There will be items that will come up that we haven't discussed. 10:49:59 From Christopher May - Michigan : would also like to continue, perhaps continue on resolving differences in accounting and reporting between states 10:50:23 From Tom (Iowa) : I need to be retained for another year... 10:50:44 From Sara Shaw - IL : If it were to expand beyond FT, would still want to focus on strategic resource allocation as a lever for student success. How does the FT work align with other opportunities to promote strategic resource allocation? 10:51:14 From Patricia Lagarenne- New Jersey : Perhaps meet once per month until 2017-18 data is received and reports are generated, (in NJ that would be early 2019) then we can meet more frequently once states have sample data to share. 10:51:43 From vhortin : There are always other issues, revenue recognition, comparability of reporting, other projects NCES can't tackle because of time or resources 10:52:27 From Christopher May - Michigan : serving as a liaison between states and NCES would be helpful too 10:52:40 From Tom (Iowa) : AGREED! 10:55:23 From Sara Shaw - IL : YES to visualization. Eventually, both the advocacy group angel and the legislative angle, too - "what to do when legislators realize this data is coming?" 10:56:58 From Tom (Iowa) : Any thoughts on the School-Level Finance Survey (SLFS)? 10:59:06 From Tom (Iowa) : The FY18 aspect caught my attention... "The proposed SLFS 2018-2020 expands F-33 to include its finance variables at the school level. Beginning with FY18, the SEAs will report total current expenditures at the school level in the same manner as for the district level on F-33." 11:01:05 From Marguerite Roza : thanks all! 11:01:13 From Patricia Lagarenne- New Jersey : thanks