Leading Thoughtful Conversations on Resource Equity Using School-By-School Spending Data

BY debraabritt
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Laura Anderson, Hannah Jarmolowski, Marguerite Roza, and Jessica Swanson
Published February 2022 by National Comprehensive Center

This resource guides leaders in using data visualizations to foster thoughtful conversations with different stakeholder groups. It includes talking points for interpreting the data, explains the components of research-tested data visualizations of school-by-school spending, and provides a framework for using these data visualizations to lead a conversation about equity and using dollars to do the most for students.

This guide is a product of a federally funded study to support the US Department of Education and the field more broadly to understand what data visualizations work to fuel thoughtful conversation among district and school leaders on financial strategy and management.


The contents of this resource were developed under a grant from the Department of Education.  However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal government.

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