About Us
About Us
Edunomics Lab is a Georgetown University research center dedicated to exploring and modeling complex education finance decisions to inform policy and practice. Established in 2012 at the McCourt School of Public Policy, the center is nationally recognized as a leader in the field of education finance.
The center is always seeking to identify the questions that need asking but are not yet being asked. To connect research to policy and practice, Edunomics Lab works with districts, states, policymakers, and leaders at all levels of the education system (local, state, and federal) to conduct analyses and provide technical assistance. Our research and modeling projects are designed to give policymakers and education leaders evidence-based, practical, actionable resources so they can make thoughtful resource decisions on behalf of students.
Our Team

Margaret Green
Research Assistant
Our advisory board members bring a diverse set of experiences and expertise to inform, improve, and support our work.
CEF Advisory Board

Sue Deigaard

Lincoln Prep Schools
Gordan Ford

School Board Partners
Jasmin Ramirez

African American Black Parent Advisory Committee
Thaddeus Smith

Calvert County Public Schools
Andraé Townsel

Oregon Department of Education
Kai Turner
Project Advisory Board
IES Grant R305U230001

School Board Partners
Ethan Charles Ashley

Teachers College, Columbia University
Dr. Jonathan Collins

Council of the Great City Schools
AJ Crabill

McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University
Dr. Rebecca Johnson

NALEO Educational Fund
Dr. Rosita Ramirez
Acknowledgement of funding sources
Since our launch in 2012, Edunomics Lab has received funding from a range of public and private sources for our work toward more equitable distribution of public resources, to enhance financial fluency and transparency, and to equip systems to better leverage public resources to do the most for students. We are grateful that these topics enjoy support at all levels of the education system and across a range of ideological perspectives.
Edunomics Lab is a non-partisan research center at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy. All views, findings, and conclusions expressed are those of Edunomics Lab only and do not necessarily reflect the views of those listed below.
ABM Industries*
Afton Partners
AASA, The Superintendents Assn.
Alameda County Office of Education
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
ASBO International
Baltimore City Public Schools
Barr Foundation
Best NC
Broad Center
Building State Capacity & Productivity Center
Cambiar Education
Center on Reinventing Public Education
Central Regional Education Assn. (ND)*
City Fund
City of Wilmington, DE
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
Charles Koch Foundation
Collaborative for Student Success*
College Board
Council of Chief State School Officers
CT State Board of Education
DC Public Schools
Eden Hall Foundation
Ed Solutions
Education Resource Strategies*
Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Equable Institute
Gates Foundation
Greensville County Public Schools
The Holdsworth Center
Houston Independent School District (TX)
Idaho, State of
Il State Board of Education
Institute of Education Sciences
Kern Family Foundation
Leadership Institute of Nevada
Lynch Foundation
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
National Center
ND State Dept. of Education
New America Foundation
New Schools Venture Fund
New Venture Fund
NY Dept. of Education
Oak Foundation
Pacific Resources for Education & Learning
Pearson Virtual Schools*
Public Education Foundation
Raikes Foundation
Resource Equity Funders Collaborative
Regional Comprehensive Center 8
Regional Comprehensive Center 14
Regional Opportunties Consortium of Idaho
SC Education Oversight Committee*
School Board Partners
School Seed
Smith Richardson Foundation
This Sector Intelligence
TN Department of Education
US Chamber Foundation
Walton Family Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Numerous local and state education agencies*
*Denotes >$10,000 in registration fees or tuition paid to Georgetown University for trainings, workshops or certification programs conducted by Edunomics Lab. If you have any questions, please contact us at edunomics@georgetown.edu.