ROI & Productivity

Measuring ROI

Productivity is sometimes seen as a dirty word in education. Far from dehumanizing students and teachers as widgets, what we’re studying is the unique interplay of human factors in schooling that drive improvements and success. Our research and tools prompt the system to use productivity data—pairing spending with existing data on outcomes—to seek ways to leverage every dollar to drive measurable improvements for students.

Spending vs. Outcomes by School

Scatterplot: Spending v Outcomes SD U-46

Interactive data displays allow users to explore resource allocation patterns, how dollars are allocated to schools, and which schools are most able to leverage their money to maximize student outcomes.

ROI Over Time: National and by State

Graph: 2 decades of spending and outcomes in US public ed

These ROI graphs show how spending and outcomes have changed over the years state by state, and which states have been more (or less) successful at leveraging dollars for academic improvement.

Using Productivity Metrics to Drive Continuous Improvement

We propose a set of policies designed to disrupt business-as-usual routines in school districts by getting leaders to use productivity data—that is, data that pairs spending with existing data on outcomes at each school. Doing so would prompt the system to seek ways to leverage every dollar to drive measurable improvements for students.

How Public Ed Can Use Productivity Metrics to Drive Continuous Improvement

We propose a set of policies designed to disrupt business-as-usual routines in school districts by getting leaders to use productivity data—that is, data that pairs spending with existing data on outcomes at each school. Doing so would prompt the system to seek ways to leverage every dollar to drive measurable improvements for students. 

A better budget dance: Using spending v outcomes data in budgeting

Getting maximum value from available dollars is imperative, and may require some changes to the traditional budget process.

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