Financial Transparency
Financial Transparency
Making per-pupil expenditures down to the school level public
The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to annually report for every public school and local educational agency the total per-pupil spending of federal, state and local money disaggregated by source of funds for the preceding fiscal year. This includes actual (not average) spending on personnel.
NERD$ is the first-ever national dataset of public K-12 spending by school, compiling the data into one easy-to-access, permanent location.

Data Tools: Improving Financial Transparency

Spending v Outcomes by School
Take a deeper dive into the relationship between school spending and student outcomes with these interactive data visualizations.

The Grid
Use this worksheet to assess investments by calculating per-student costs and spelling out desired results, risks involved, and how effectiveness will be measured.

Tracking the Utility and Usefulness of ESSA Reporting
State Education Agencies (SEAs) have assembled school-by-school per-pupil spending data to comply with ESSA’s financial transparency requirement.
Financial Decision-Making Working Group (FIDWiG)
Hosted by Edunomics Lab, FiDWiG is a collaboration between state education agencies (SEAs) on how to leverage financial transparency for data-driven decision-making. FiDWiG created a set of voluntary, minimal reporting criteria, the Interstate Financial Reporting, to ensure per-pupil expenditure measures have common meaning across states.
To learn more about this working group email us at
Related Resources
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