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Advancing System Productivity Webinar Series

BY Laura Anderson

Advancing System Productivity Webinar Series

Edunomics Lab, in partnership with Council of Chief State School Officers and the Building State Capacity and Productivity Center, convened a Community of Practice to support a group of leaders in all states interested in developing a state-specific framework and strategy set related to the SEA’s role in increasing productivity.

This series of five webinars is designed to help Regional Comprehensive Centers support state education agency (SEA) leaders as they explore how they can better support districts and schools to operate in a more productive way. Specifically, the sessions focus on the appropriate role for SEAs in building and using information systems, designing funding and regulatory structures, using their leverage over costs and making the case for productivity to districts and schools.

Webinar 1: Making the Case for Productivity
In this webinar, we introduce the definition of productivity that we will use throughout the series and discuss why it matters. Then we dive into the role that states play in messaging productivity to districts and schools.
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Webinar 2: Information Systems to Promote Productivity
This webinar explores what types of information are necessary to improve productivity, how states can build an effective information system and how states, districts and schools can use that information.
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Webinar 3: Financing Education for Productivity
How states allocate funds is an important component of productivity; this webinar offers recommendations for how state funding systems can promote, not inhibit, productivity.
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Webinar 4: SEA Leverage Over District Costs
This webinar explores what are appropriate and inappropriate levers for the SEA to use to help manage costs throughout the system. View presentation slides

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Webinar 5: How Can SEAs Make Sure District and School Leaders Pursue Productivity
This webinar reiterates lessons covered in previous webinars regarding how SEAs can lead the change to productivity, and spends time discussing in detail the appropriate role of each level of education governance.

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