Publications & Resources
- Webinars & Presentations
- Feb 27, 2025
30-Min Webinar: A tough budget season: What you need to know
In this 30-minute webinar, we share what you need to know about this spring’s challenging budget season, including how changes in federal funding could impact schools.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Aug 08, 2024
30-Min Webinar: The Big Hire: Massachusetts’s school staffing changes
In this 30-minute webinar, we share findings from a new Edunomics Lab analysis of how staffing has changed in Massachusetts schools between 2020 and 2024.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Aug 01, 2024
30-Min Webinar: Are students benefiting from the rising costs of Special Ed?
In this 30-minute webinar, we share findings from Edunomics Lab's analysis of new Special Ed spending data to better understand the extent to which rising identification rates and staffing increases deliver value for students.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Jun 06, 2024
30-Min Webinar: Can academic recovery continue when federal relief funds dry up?
We look at public education spending and outcomes over a decade, nationally and state by state, plus what the likely revenue trajectory could mean for future math and reading scores.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Mar 19, 2024
30-Min Webinar: Six months remain on ESSER. What’s left to do? What worked? What didn’t? What happens when it’s gone?
We take stock of what districts did and didn’t accomplish with the money, what's left to do, and what happens when the money is gone during this 30-minute webinar.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Nov 15, 2023
30-Min Webinar: What happens to K-12 nonprofits and vendors when ESSER ends?
In this webinar we look at what nonprofits and vendors should know about the end of ESSER and market changes in the coming years.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Nov 02, 2023
30-Min Webinar: Mayday… Mayday… Who Will Answer the Distress Signals Appearing in Some Districts’ Data?
This webinar looks at ways to read the distress signals in district data, raise the alarm, and take steps to help “Mayday” districts.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Oct 26, 2023
30-Min Webinar: The ESSER Cliff: What state and district leaders in CT, MA, NH & RI should know as ESSER funding ends
This webinar shares an analysis of the pending ESSER cliff in districts in 4 New England states and key factors in protecting what matters most for students & district financial health.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Oct 24, 2023
The Fiscal Cliff: Exploring the Impacts on Equity
In this webinar hosted by the National Comprehensive Center, the Edunomics Lab team explores how the end of ESSER funds may affect equity
- Webinars & Presentations
- Oct 16, 2023
Where and how does inequity creep in?
Marguerite Roza gave this presentation as part of panel on "Understanding Educational Opportunity Gaps," at the University of Virginia School of Law's launch of the Education Rights Institute.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Jun 15, 2023
30-Min Webinar: Districts now have more staff than ever. And fewer students. What happens next?
With the end of ESSER looming, and tighter state budgets, districts know they can’t afford their expanded labor force. Is now the time to rethink the age-old strategy that the best way to serve students is to add more staff?
- Articles & Publications
- Apr 24, 2023
A Guide for SEA-led Resource Allocation Reviews
Resource allocation reviews (RARs) in districts that serve low-performing schools offer a new opportunity to examine the connection between resource allocation and academic outcomes. We've created guidance documents, templates, and tips to help SEAs prepare for and conduct RARs.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Apr 05, 2023
30-Min Webinar: Make it or break it! This spring’s district budget choices matter tremendously for the years ahead.
Never before have district leaders faced such competing priorities: spend down relief dollars in ways that bring value for students, while also bracing for budget gaps unlike any in history. In this webinar we share what we're seeing in district balance sheets, and outline key issues for this spring's budget discussions.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Nov 17, 2022
30-Min Webinar: Is it too late for districts to redirect ESSER commitments to tackle learning gaps?
The school year had already started when test scores emerged showing deep gaps in learning. Is it too late for districts to adjust their ESSER commitments to boost recovery efforts? In this webinar we share our latest look at ESSER spending and suggest ways that districts can redirect, and in some cases refocus, their federal relief funds to respond to...
- Webinars & Presentations
- Aug 18, 2022
30-Min Webinar: The financial forecast is in! School district budgets are headed for a wild ride.
School district budgets are about to be hit by a powerful wave of financial pressures. In this webinar we walk through a mix of factors, explain how - and when - they're likely to hit district budgets, and discuss how district and state leaders can make smart decisions now to prepare.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Jun 28, 2022
30-Min Webinar: How can districts measure learning loss recovery costs?
In this webinar we share “The Calculator,” a new tool that estimates lost learning time in more than 8,000 school districts and how much a district would need to invest to get students back on track.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Apr 12, 2022
ESSER Spending: Connecting Investments and Outcomes
In this National Comprehensive Center webinar, Edunomics Lab shared an “investment tool” to help SEAs and LEAs assess their ESSER III investments and finalize spending plans to do the most for students.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Dec 14, 2021
30-Min Webinar: Will We Ever Know How ESSER Is Being Spent?
In this webinar we look at how federal relief money is being tracked and what we're learning as a result.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Aug 12, 2021
What will MoEquity mean for district budgets?
In this webinar Marguerite Roza and Chad Aldeman discuss the new guidance for the maintenance of equity provision and what it would mean for districts faced with implementing it.
- Webinars & Presentations
- Jun 16, 2021
Early Analysis of State ARP Plans
Using a financial lens, the Edunomics Lab team offers an early analysis of state education agency plans for using ARP funds.